April 20, 2024

From the category “Things my camera taught me,” today’s lesson is simple: The whole sky belongs to you.

My photo of the day is titled, “like fire needs oxygen.”

like fire needs oxygen

I used the photo prompt as the title. When I saw that the prompt was “like fire needs oxygen,” I had no idea what to do, but I knew I wanted to do something whimsical. I considered first one thing and another until my eyes landed on a box of candy canes that I should have gotten rid of over Christmas and somehow did not. That was all I needed to decide I wanted to photograph a candy cane heart against the sky. Hearts need all kinds of things, granted, but they sure do need sunshine in both the literal and metaphorical varieties.

I said I wanted to write a series of lessons I’d learned from doing my photo 365 projects, and this is one of them. If you’ve got nothing else to work with, you’ve got the sky.

One good thing about my first 365 project was that I did it as a social project. I joined a group on Flickr (Our Daily Challenge, the same one where I got today’s prompt), and I got to follow other people’s photos as I took my own. I’m sure that I learned from observation to make use as the sky for photo backgrounds. It’s a common way to make a clean, uncluttered photo full of light and/or shadow, or whatever else you want.

Here are some of my older photos where I claimed the sky as my own.

Day 147:  Dreams Under Foot

Day 73:  Children of Light

Crane for Hope #80

Crane for Hope #46

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