September 11, 2024


Crane 83.

This is a student made Huck Finn raft. It has been left behind from someone’s presentation in a literature class. The bird sitting on it was made from a Pride and Prejudice calendar. I’m not sure what Elizabeth Bennet is doing hanging out with Huck, but there you go.

Cranes 81-82.


This is a big wood carving of an eagle that sits in our English Department office. You can see I didn’t venture out very far to take pictures today. It was a wet and nasty day.

It is now 5:00. I’m at home with my dog in my lap. I have eaten a bowl of soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. I have done my homework for tomorrow. I have posted my pictures for my daily photo challenge. I have a goal of being in my pajamas and underneath a blanket by no later than 5:30. I imagine the dog will still be cuddled up with me.

Lucy Peanut and I had a rough day today. She was attacked by a dog toy. She had torn it apart, and it fought back. She got it stuck in her mouth with string she had pulled loose getting caught in her teeth and twisting her tongue up. She squealed like the Big Bad Wolf was after her. I had to cut the toy away from her mouth with scissors to even be able to get at the string caught in mouth. That was a scary moment for her and for me, but we managed to free her finally, and she is not injured. She is just hurt that her toy would do her that way. She and I have needed some cuddles.

I’ve had a lot of goals lately, and one of them is exercise. I got my exercise in the same way I got my photos in today–by knocking it out as quickly and efficiently as possible. I went to the school gym and got on a treadmill before I came home. You might think that a person with goals would feel bad about making plans to crash and cuddle by 5:30, but this is not so. Today, comfort is the priority. Comfort food. Comfy clothes. Cuddles. We must have our priorities.

I’m a firm believer that one of most important aspects of accomplishment is managing stress. You are more likely to lose weight on a diet if you are not stressed out and if you are getting enough rest. You are more likely to get your work done if you are not feeling stressed. You are more likely to remember not to be a jerk to the people around you if you are taking enough comfort time.

Lucy Peanut is fine now, and she doesn’t seem to be too terribly traumatized by this morning’s horror, but she is being clingy, and she is crying whenever I set her down. She and I are about to put on our comfy clothes and have a calm night in.

Peace and love, friends. If a wad of loose string ever attacks your mouth, please remember to remain calm and stay as still as possible. Fighting just makes it worse.

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