October 6, 2024

Feeling Faded

Lucy Peanut is tuckered out, and I can’t say I blame her. She burrowed into a blanket on the couch to take a nap this evening, and I tried to get her up to play so that I could take a more active picture of her, but she just kept going right back to her cozy spot. It’s been that kind of day. Lucy Peanut and I don’t care much for the cold. Even Jack Cat elected to spend most of the day indoors. Winter is rough on the children of summer.

I wanted to be like Lucy Peanut today and burrow in for the day. I wanted to read and nap and basically just spend the day recharging for the coming week. I forced myself to venture out as far as the school gym this morning, however, because I was feeling the peer pressure. I accepted a weekend challenge on Fitbit, and since this was the first of these challenges I’ve ever participated in, I didn’t want to be that one person who only logged 200 steps for the whole weekend because I whiled away my days off on the couch. I ended up only staying on the couch half the day today, and I paid my dues on the treadmill first.

This is why I consider the Fitbit a necessity. I’m a whole lot lazier when I don’t feel judged.

Tomorrow will be a bigger challenge as the school gym will be closed, and it will likely still be too cold outside to make for enjoyable outdoor exercise. I have a challenge to live up to, though, so I have at least some chance of figuring this out.

I will let you know how it goes. Until then, here are my cranes for the day.

72-74 of 1000.


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