October 6, 2024

I’ve apparently grown bored with posting my daily photos to my blog. The thing is I take them with my phone, upload them to Instagram, set Instagram to automatically load them to Facebook and Flickr, and then if I post them on the blog, I go to Flickr to post from there. But by the time I can get to Flickr to post my pictures to my blog, everyone I know has already seen them on Instagram, Facebook, and Flickr. They just seem a little too redundant on the blog.

That said, I am still doing my photo-a-day project for 2012. The shots are all on Flickr. You can see them here if you are interested: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sgerald/sets/72157628672051925/.

I’ve also added a little widget in the sidebar of the blog that will (I hope) display my latest Flickr photos automatically.

Maybe one day soon I will start using the blog for blogging again. Until then, if you only want to see which flower I trespassed through your yard to take a picture of today, you can follow me on Flickr.

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